Details sub-tab: Asset
The Details page, displayed by default upon accessing the Asset Details page, stores general information including warranty and model info.
The following fields are displayed on the Details page:
Model #: The specific asset model. For organizations that wish to keep more detailed model information, a separate Model sub-tab is available. Depending on the configuration of the chosen Asset Classification, the Model field may be read-only.
Serial #:The serial number for the asset, often used to track and move assets associated with rotating parts.
Rotating Part: The Inventory ID of the Rotating Part with which this item is associated. This association is only used for assets associated with an inventory item that are rotated in the asset list. The Inventory Item Name is displayed below the ID.
You can use the Inventory module lookup to select the inventory item.
Tracked Tool: The Tool ID of the tracked tool with which this item is associated. This association is only used for tools that are Tracked as Asset(s). The tool name is displayed below the ID.
You can use the Tool module lookup to select the tool.
Account/Department/Customer/Zone and Vicinity: Fields that indicate the organizational attributes of the asset. These fields may be left blank if the asset inherits the organizational property from a parent record. You can use the respective module lookups to select a value for the Account, Department, Customer, and Zone fields.
When the link-to-asset or link-to-class feature of the Procedure module is used to list multiple assets on a work order, the Vicinity field displays next to the asset name on the respective task row of the work order.
Repair Center and Shop: The Repair Center and Shop that maintain the asset. These fields may be left blank if the asset inherits its Repair Center or Shop from a parent record. You can use the respective module lookups to select a Repair Center or Shop.
Priority: The default priority for work orders associated with this asset. You can use the Type lookup to select a value.
Warranty Info: The vendor and manufacturer for warranty administration, and the date through which the warranty extends. You can use the Company module lookup to select the vendor and manufacturer. You can use the Calendar lookup to select the warranty expiration/end date.